Individual Sandwich PhD Scholarship Programme ITM-DGD Call 2021 for alumni launched!

  • 06/07/2021

In the 2021 call round, the Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM) at Antwerp will award maximally three PhD fellowships to outstanding 'alumni’ as part of a comprehensive capacity strengthening programme supported by the Directorate General for Development (DGD).

The candidates must be embedded in a scientific institute or university in their country and present an outstanding PhD project proposal co-supervised by supervisors at the home institute and ITM, and at the university that is awarding the PhD degree.

The fellowship is awarded after a competitive procedure based on the evaluation of academic merit, a full PhD project proposal and the quality and relevance of the institutional and supervisory set-up.

The doctoral research project will typically last four years. The scholarships are of the ‘sandwich’ type; meaning that the student will spend the doctoral research time partly in the home institute/country and partly at ITM. The ITM and DGD scholarships regulations apply.

The PhD fellowships will enable the candidates to be trained to become ‘independent researchers’ as defined for the third cycle (e.g. PhD or Doctoral degrees) of the Qualifications Framework of the European Higher Education

For more information on the eligibility criteria, regulations and procedure, check the Call here attached

Application deadline: 15/09/2021, 5 PM Belgian time

