Course Information: Research Methodology | Class: Master of Public Health (International Program)_IMPH8

  • 06/05/2024

Subject: Research Methodology | 
Class: Master of Public Health (International Program)

Schedule: here

Process of the course

(1.1) Register here (ONLY WITH GMAIL) - List of successful registration here >> (1.2) Log in to the e-learning system here >> (2) Complete the course requirements on the e-learning system here >> (3) Submit the group assignments on the e-learning system here >> (4) Follow the progress on the e-learning system here >> (5.1) Submit the group proposal on the e-learning system at here (end of course) here >> (5.2) Submit your individual proposal on the e-learning system here (at the end of course) here

> Grouping requirements:

  1. Maximum 4 members per group. 2 groups are required.
  2. Groups are self-selected (students actively discuss and form groups).

Group research topic registration

(1.1) Register here 

Only register once with the email address

> After registering, you will receive a confirmation letter from the Department. If you do not receive the confirmation email, please contact the Department for correction. Do not register multiple times

> No registration, no grouping

> Registration time: within the first day of the course

(1.2) Log in to the e-learning system here

> Use the registered email

> Students will be registered in the course based on the registration list

> Time: within the first day of the course


(2) Complete the course requirements on the e-learning system here

Students complete the following tasks according to the time specified on the scheduled after each lesson

> Watch video lessons

> View course materials

> Do the test after each lesson

> Submit feedback after each lecture

(3) Submit group assignment on the e-learning system here

Group representative submits required assignment of each lesson within the specified time.

(4) Follow the progress on the e-learning system here

(5.1) Submit the group proposal on the e-learning system at here (at the end of course) here

(5.2) Submit your individual proposal on the e-learning system here (at th end of course) here

Course outline






Introduction and steps on health research. Research questions and research objectives

1. Course registration
2. Group and topi registration
3. Login course platform
4. Identify title of your study

End of lesson day


Literature reviews: Types of literature
review. Introduction to reference manager software

1. Outline introduction
2. Identify specific objectives
3. PICO question

End of lesson day


Practice 1: Develop research questions and research objectives. Searching and organizing references

1. Draft introduction
2. Refine title and objectives

End of lesson day


Research design (quantitative, qualitative)

1. Choose study design (with justification)
2. Identify inclusion and exclusion criteria of the research subjects

End of lesson day


Sample size and different sampling designs

Choose 1 or 2
1. For review study: Identify search methods (Electronic databases/Other methods used for identifying relevant research/Journals hand searched)

2. For observational study: calculate sample size and choose sampling method

End of lesson day


Practice 2: Research design and Sample/Sampling for your own research

Choose 1 or 2
1. For review study: Search strategy

2. For observational study: justification sample size and sampling method

End of lesson day


Type of variables and Data collection methods

1. List of variables (with definition and collecting method)

End of lesson day


Presentation of research results

1. Prepare expected results

End of lesson day


Practice 3: Develop research variables, data collection tools and presentation of research results

 1. Review and refine list of variables and expected results

End of lesson day


Research ethical issue. Research planing

1. Outline potential ethical issues of your study
2. Timeline for study – when do you aim to complete each stage of the study

End of lesson day


Writing a scienctific paper and develop research proposal

1. Base on research proposal, outline the manuscript

End of lesson day


Practice 4: Research ethical issue and research plan for your own research.

1. Complete requirements from lesson 10 and 11

End of lesson day


Develop a research proposal


End of lesson day


Revise research proposal


End of lesson day


Revise research proposal


End of lesson day


Complete research proposal


End of lesson day


> Conditions for eligibility of final exam

Attendance in all practice sessions
Attendance in >80% of theoretical sessions
Progress score (assessment, feedback, lecture, survey) > 80% (scored individually)
Submit group assignment of every lecture on time
Submit an individual proposal on time (at the end of course)


> Grade components: Final grade = 10% course requirements + 40% project + 50% written exam

10% course requirements = Complete the assessment tests for each lesson + Complete the feedback sheets after each lesson and at the end of the session
40% project = Group proposal & Individual proposal

> Individual proposal:

Requirement: Up to 4 pages, click to see proposal outline
Submit 01 Word file to the e-learning system and 01 hard copy to the Department

Reference of Systematic Review Protocol: here


Group proposal 

Submit the hard copy: print and submit at the department
Specify class, group, member's name
Research outline (01 copy)
Presentation (01 copy)
Template for presentation: download here
Submit the soft copy on the e-learning system
Research outline in Word format
Presentation in PowerPoint format
Only 1 representative per group to submit


Post-graduate officer: Le Xuan Hung | | 0911196443
Department of Research Methodology and Biostatistics: Room 414, A7 building, Hanoi Medical University No. 1 Ton That Tung, Dong Da, Hanoi