Department: Health Education and Enhancement | |
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Language: Tiếng Anh | |
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Address: Giáo dục và Nâng cao sức khỏe |
Dr. Pham Bich Diep
Principal Lecturer, Hanoi Medical University
Study title, degree, major:
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Scientific profile:
Dr. Pham Bich Diep has nearly 20 years of teaching experience in education and health promotion and 10 years in teaching scientific research methods. Dr. Pham Bich Diep has participated in consulting and working with domestic agencies and organizations such as universities, Tobacco Control Fund, Department of Preventive Medicine of Ministry of Health, Hanoi Medical University Hospital and other international organizations such as the World Health Organization, World Bank, Asian Development Bank… In addition, Dr. Diep also has participated in coordinating a number of cooperative project activities with foreign organizations such as the Netherlands, Australia, etc. The area of interest is to apply the behaviour model theories to research the factors affecting health risk behaviors such as: smoking, alcohol use, lifestyle and its associated factors. Dr. Diep has published more than 10 international peer-reviewed scientific articles and dozens of domestic scientific articles.
Research gate:
Address: Department of Health Education and Promotion, Room 321, Building A7, Hanoi Medical University, No. 1, Ton That Tung, Dong Da, Hanoi.