Phạm Huy Tuấn Kiệt
Department: Health Economics |
Function: Head of Department |
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Address: Kinh tế Y tế |
Assoc. Prof. Pham Huy Tuan KietSenior Lecturer, Hanoi Medical University
Study title, degree, major:
- Associate Professor (2012)
- Postdoctoral - Health Economics (2000-2003 - Institute of Tropical Medicine - TH University of Heidelberg, Germany)
- Postdoctoral - Medical Sociology (1998-2002 - Institute of Medical Sociology - TH University of Freiburg, Germany)
- Master of Public Health (1998 - Faculty of Medicine - TH University of Dresden, Germany)
- Doctor of Medicine, majoring in Internal Medicine (1996 - Faculty of Medicine - University of TH Leipzig, Germany)
- Clinical intern (1994-1996 - Hubertusburg Hospital, Saxony - Germany)
- General practitioner (1998-1994 - Faculty of Medicine - TH University of Leipzig, Germany)
Job title and position:
- Head of Department of Health Economics, School of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Hanoi Medical University
Areas of expertise:
- Health Economics, Health Technology Evaluation, Public Financial Management, Hospital Financial Management
- Health System, Administration and Health Organization
- Project management
- Family Medicine and Behavioral Medicine
Scientific recordsDoctor Pham Huy Tuan Kiet received clinical training from university to doctoral level in Germany. With the Public Health course at the University of Dresden 1996-1988, Dr. Kiet belongs to the first generation of doctors in Germany who are trained in Community Medicine and community outreach in medicine. With post-doctoral training in Health Economics and joined Heidelberg TH University to organize and teach the first English master's course in Health Economics in Vietnam (2001-2003) at the International Economics University. people, Dr. Kiet specializes in the field of Health Economics. Working in the field of Family Medicine from 2004-2008, helping to teach and research Health Economics of Assoc. Prof. Pham Huy Tuan Kiet has a clinical orientation, with in-depth expertise in disease burden analysis, drug economics and economic evaluation of clinical interventions. Assoc. Pham Huy Tuan Kiet has more than 60 articles published domestically and internationally.
Contact:Address: Department of Health Economics, Hanoi Medical University, No. 1, Ton That Tung, Dong Da, Hanoi.